Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Breastfeeding Journey: part 1

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Even before I gave birth to Sophie, I have already decided to breastfeed. I wanted her to receive only the best in life and I know BM is the very first gift I can give my baby. We have been breastfeeding for about 9 months now and I was able to do it despite being a full-time busy working mom. Our breastfeeding story is very challenging and fulfilling at the same time.

Remembering the first time we breastfed at the nursery, I still cannot imagine how time flew so fast. I can still remember how fragile and dependent she was then. Everything was wonderful as if we have been practicing for that very first latch.

When I got back to work, I though it will be the end of breastfeeding, I was obviously wrong. It seems like I find it hard to give up BF more than her. Because for me, BF time is like our bonding in which I know she can only experience with me. Months passes by and before I even realized it pumping at work is like a normal habit for me already. I would breastfeed her during the day and during her last feed at night. Then, I will pump at work so she can take it using a bottle & at 6 months we started mix feeding with formula because I no longer pump enough milk for her while I am away

The cycle can be tiring sometimes, especially during busy days, but I make sure that I do not only find time for pumping, instead I make time for it. I invested on good pumps & a thermo bag to help me with my journey and money spent was well worth it.

Sometimes, I get offended by some people who think I BF my daughter just because I want to save money and that I do not want to spend on good formula milk. It can be very depressing sometimes. But, I know and all BF mommies know that it’s just not about that; no formula can be as good as BM. There are also time when I just wanna give up BF so that I can limit my food intake and get back to my pre-pregnancy body, but then, being a mother made me so unselfish.

So that is how my Breastfeeding journey began, however, I am currently facing the biggest threat to my journey. I am currently on a business travel for 3 weeks here in Malaysia, so far, I am able to pump every 2-4 hours and still have good supply. I also left her frozen milks to take while I am away

Chances that we might get extended here is high.

I know, I can keep up, but that also means, the chance that Sophie might get used to formula milk is also higher..

The thought is killing me. Like what I said, giving up BF is harder for me. Being away from her is hard but giving up is harder. They say, when baby get used to formula & bottle, they will start saying no to BF and that is what I am scared of. This is the biggest challenge for me but then, It will be easier if Sophie is the one who gives up milk rather than me.

I still have 1 and half week to go before I go home.. and may still be extended.. Let’s see how it will goes.